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ISBN: 9781773636405-01

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Studying Classes in Advanced Capitalism


From: Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism


This chapter starts with different standpoints for studying classes in advanced capitalism and establishes my current standpoint as an intellectual inside-outsider aligned with subordinate class groups. Livingstone outlines the general conceptual framework he works from, the landscape in which the following empirical explorations of class relations are developed. The method of social inquiry of class relations that is used, is




D.W. Livingstone

D.W. Livingstone is Professor Emeritus and past Canada Research Chair in Lifelong Learning and Work at OISE/ University of Toronto. His most relevant prior books include Professional Power and Skill Use in the “Knowledge Economy”: A Class Analysis (2021); The Education–Jobs Gap (1998); and Class, Ideologies and Educational Futures (1983/2012).