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ISBN: 9781773636436-13

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Subjugating and Liberating at Once: Indigenous Sport History as a Double-Edged Sword


From: Decolonizing Sport


In the conclusion, Brendan Hokowhitu reflects on each chapter within this anthology, examining their similarities, differences and what they contribute to our understanding of the relationship between colonialism and organized sport.


Brendan Hokowhitu

Janice Forsyth is a member of the Fisher River Cree First Nation and a professor in the Faculty of Education, School of Kinesiology, University of British Columbia. She is a recognized leader in Indigenous sport development in Canada. Her research has generated significant national and international attention among scholars and practitioners, and several of her studies are included in the reports of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In 2017, she was elected to the College of the Royal Society of Canada for her contributions to research and advocacy.