
Publication Year


ISBN: 9780776604992-09


The Argument from Contingency ‘Then’ and ‘Now’

From: God and Argument - Dieu et l'argumentation philosophique


The paper has two rather loosely connected parts: the first part reflects on the significance of the argument from contingency in the Five Ways of St Thomas Aquinas and raises the question of whether the argument

depends in a sense upon the theological doctrine of creation. The second part turns to the question of our understanding of contingency in the contemporary world and does this by way of some reflections on

Heidegger, with special reference to Der Satz vom Grund, translated into English as The Principle of Reason.



Peter Harris

Peter Harris is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is author of On Human Life: An Examination of Humanae vitae (1968).