
Publication Year


The Canada Health Act:

Lessons for Today and Tomorrow

From: Medicare


Analyzes the Canada Health Act and what we need to be aware of now and in the future regarding it



Monique Bégin

Monique Bégin entered politics in 1972 as the first woman from Quebec elected to the House of Commons. She is best known as minister of national health and welfare in the Trudeau government (1977-84) and architect of the 1984 Canada Health Act. She was executive secretary of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. She has been a university professor since leaving politics in 1984. She was the first holder of the Joint Chair in Women’s Studies at Ottawa and Carleton Universities; dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa; co-chair of the Royal Commission on Learning of Ontario; and a member of the International Independent Commission on Population and Quality of Life. She currently sits on the World Health Organization Commission on the Social Determinants of Health and is a visiting professor at the University of Ottawa School of Management and Health Administration.