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ISBN: 9781773101828-09

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The Quarantine of the Opium Eater, Notes on Getting Well



From: On Opium


This chapter describes the author’s dependance on the (taken as prescribed) opiods, and how these allow her to work and enjoy life in three chunks of five hours throughout the day. The author points out that when we describe drug use as a misguided coping mechanism, an unsavoury dependence—there may be no better solution under the circumstances A managed opiod progam in Ottawa is described as working well — simply giving a substance-seeking, substance-dependent person a quality-controlled version of the very substance they are seeking.



Carlyn Zwarenstein

Carlyn Zwarenstein is a writer based in Toronto. Her writing has appeared in the Guardian, the Toronto Star, and Vice. She is also the author of Opium Eater: The New Confessions.