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ISBN: 9781773635194-06

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The Status Quo Is Not Reconciliation


From: Reconciliation and Indigenous Justice


Chapter 6 explores how reconciliation is working to improve the lives of Indigenous Canadians. The chapter discusses the founding of both the Aboriginal Healing Foundation in 1998 and the Residential Schools Settlement Agreement in 2005, both of which sought to provide compensation and avenues for survivors of residential schools. However, the chapter argues that we must move beyond compensation to structural change. Not a patchwork of individualist “band-aid solutions” but a comprehensive resolution needs to be sustained for as long as it takes to fully address these problems, and this can mean years or even decades of work.



David Milward

David Milward is an associate professor of law with the University of Victoria and a member of the Beardy’s & Okemasis First Nation of Duck Lake, Saskatchewan. He assisted the Truth and Reconciliation Commission with the authoring of its final report on Indigenous justice issues and is the author of Aboriginal Justice and the Charter: Realizing a Culturally Sensitive Interpretation of Legal Rights, which was joint winner of the K.D. Srivastava Prize for Excellence in Scholarly Publishing and was short-listed for the Canadian Law & Society Association Book Prize. He also co-authored The Art of Science in the Canadian Justice: A Reflection on My Experiences as an Expert Witness. Dr. Milward is the author of numerous articles on Indigenous justice in leading national and international law journals.