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ISBN: 9781770416093-04

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The suspension of disbelief


From: The Environmentalist’s Dilemma


This chapter examines the phenomena of news presented as two opposing sides and the role of unregulated social media and fake news. It suggests that conspriacy theories and denial of climate change arise from the same source, and that if changing behaviour is too difficult, many choose to filter the information we receive instead.



Arno Kopecky

Arno Kopecky is an environmental journalist and author whose dispatches from four continents have appeared in the Globe and Mail, The Walrus, the Literary Review of Canada, Reader’s Digest, and others. His last book, The Oil Man and the Sea, chronicled the battle to keep oil tankers out of British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest and was shortlisted for the 2014 Governor General’s Award. He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.