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ISBN: 9780864924872-06

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These Are My Children

From: The M Word


Christa Couture reflects on proof of motherhood, the loss of a child, mourning, bereavement, guilt, and a message for her ‘little ones.’



Christa Couture

Christa Couture has established herself as a singer-songwriter with sharpshooting wit, effortless grace, and heart-on-sleeve intensity. Since her critically acclaimed debut album, Fell Out of Oz, and her sophomore record, The Wedding Singer and the Undertaker, she has explored intimate spaces with a frank confidence that avoids cliché and melodrama. In September 2012, she released her third album, The Living Record, produced by Steve Dawson and picked by CBC Music as one of the “Best Albums of 2012.” In addition to being a touring and recording artist, Couture is a graduate of the Vancouver Film School, the managing editor of’s “Indigenous Music Culture,” a knitter, a blogger, a graphic designer, a Scotch drinker, and then some.