

Publication Year

ISBN: 9780776606613-10


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Translated or Traduced? Canadian Literary and Political Theory in a German Context: Northrop Frye, Michael Ignatieff, and Charles Taylor

From: Translating Canada


This chapter reveals that the importation, translation, marketing, and reception of English Canadian children’s literature in Germany have been governed by two major principles: first, up to the 19802s, pre-existing hetero-images not only influenced but also determined the transfer; second, translation strategies have since undergone radical changes, departing from image-bound preferences and moving toward an ignorance of, or even obliteration of, distinctive cultural traces.



Georgiana Banita

Georgiana Banita is a PhD student in North American literature at the University of Constance. She studied English and American literature and German literature at the Universities of Jassy (Romania) and Constance. At the University of Constance, she was the recipient of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) prize for foreign students in 2003 and of the VEUK prize for the best exam results at the School of Literature for the year 2005–2006. Her publications include an article on Janice Kulyk Keefer in The Canadian Short Story: Interpretations, ed. Reingard M. Nischik (2007). Among her articles accepted to be published in Europe and the U.S.A. are contributions on Sylvia Plath, Arthur Miller, Philip Roth, and Raymond Williams.