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Weber, and Almost Everything After, Twenty Years Later
Its Impact on Individual Charter, Common Law, and Statutory Rights Claims
From: One Law for All?
Review of the effect of the Weber case and decisions over the next 20 years on the issues of multiplicity of proceedings in the adjudication of workplace-related rights.
Brian Etherington
Brian D. Etherington is Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, where he taught labour law, labour arbitration, personal employment law and criminal law. He holds degrees from McMaster University, Queen’s University and Yale University. He is co-author of Labour Law in Canada, 5th ed. (Kluwer/Butterworths, 2002), Leading Cases on Labour Arbitration (Lancaster House, 2002), and Labour Arbitration in Canada (Lancaster House, 2006), and has also published scholarly articles on labour and employment law issues. He belongs to the Canadian Labour Law Casebook Group, served for almost a decade as editor-in-chief of the Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal, and is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Queen’s Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace. In addition to his scholarly activities, he has been a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada since 1984, and has maintained an active labour arbitration practice for many years.