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ISBN: 9781773632094-09

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Women Breaking Barriers

Using Education to Develop Women's Leadership Inside Canada's Largest Union

From: Labour in Canada Cracking Labour's Glass Ceiling


In Chapter 9, Morna Ballantyne and Jane Stinson, retired national staff with the Canadian Union of Public Employees, discuss Women Breaking Barriers, the leadership program for women activists which they developed. Based on interviews with the program’s first-year cohort, they evaluate the successes and challenges of the program in increasing women’s sustained movement into union leadership.



Morna Ballantyne

Morna Ballantyne signed her first union card in 1977. During her thirty years with the Canadian Union of Public Employees, she served in many senior staff positions, including director of union development. Women Breaking Barriers was one of several new and innovative education initiatives that she and the education team introduced to increase capacity for class analysis and to train activists to lead progressive change.

Jane Stinson

Jane Stinson worked at the Canadian Union of Public Employees national office doing research, member education, staff training and national union initatives (1980-2009). She also is active in the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women/Institut canadien de recherches sur les femmes (CRIAW/ICREF).