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ISBN: 9780865719866-03

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1. Earth for All

Five Extraordinary Turnarounds for Global Equity on a Healthy Planet


From: Earth for All


Chapter 1 begins the book by examining the present challenges of the 21st century, and how this turbulence presents a unique moment in time where humanity can work together to create a better future. The chapter does this by discussing topics including the Earth4All initiative, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the universal basic dividend or UBD, the limits to growth analysis, and the future of the Holocene.



Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Sandrine Dixson-Declève is co-president of the Club of Rome and has over 30 years of leadership in climate change, sustainability, innovation and energy. GreenBiz named her one of the 30 most influential women driving change in the low-carbon economy. She is a policy advisor, facilitator, TED speaker, teacher, and author of Quel Monde Pour Demain?

Owen Gaffney

Owen Gaffney is a strategist, writer, science journalist, and filmmaker and global sustainability analyst at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. He has written, produced, and advised on documentaries for organizations as diverse as the BBC, Netflix, TED, the World Economic Forum, and WWF.

Jayati Ghosh

Jayati Ghosh is an internationally recognized development economist and professor at the University of Massachusetts. She has authored and/or edited 19 books and nearly 200 scholarly articles, received several national and international prizes, and is member of an array of international commissions. She writes regularly for a variety of media.

Jørgen Randers

Jørgen Randers is professor emeritus of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School. A global leader on the intersections of economy, the environment, and human well-being, he coauthored The Limits to Growth in 1972 and the 30-year update. He is the author of 2052 and coauthor of Reinventing Prosperity and Transformation Is Feasible!

Johan Rockström

Johan Rockström is director of Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. He led the team of scientists that proposed the influential planetary boundaries framework. A regular speaker, Rockström has over 5 million views of his TED talks. He is the subject of the Netflix documentary, Breaking Boundaries, narrated by David Attenborough.

Per Espen Stoknes

Per Espen Stoknes directs the Center for Sustainability and Energy at the BI Norwegian Business School. He was a Green in the Norwegian parliament (2017-2018), has co-founded clean-energy companies, and is the author of several books, including Tomorrow's Economy and What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming.