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ISBN: 9781552214046-04

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Administration of Ports and Harbours

From: Canadian Maritime Law 2/e


Examination of administration, management, jurisdiction and enforcement of the law regarding ports and harbours.



Edgar Gold

Andrew Mayer joined the Prince Rupert Port Authority in British Columbia in 2008 and currently holds the positions of vice-president (commercial and regulatory affairs) and general counsel. Mr Mayer provides legal and commercial support for the advancement of port operations and developments. He oversees regulatory matters affecting port operations, leads commercial negotiations in respect of new developments and terminal expansion projects, and is responsible for the negotiation and implementation of several First Nations settlement agreements. He holds an LLB from Dalhousie University, Halifax, and a diploma in shipping and marine operations from the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby. Previously, Mr Mayer practised law in Vancouver, specializing in marine and environmental law matters, and worked in the port and terminal operations sector, including employment with Empire Stevedoring (now Global Container Terminals). He is a director of the Canadian Maritime Law Association and sits as chair of the Ports and Harbours Committee, and as a member of the Legal Committee of the Association of Canadian Port Authorities, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association, Law Society of British Columbia, and Canadian Bar Association.