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ISBN: 9780776603476-32


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"Consuming Love" 1990

From: The Quebec Anthology


"Un amour devorant," translated here as "Consuming Love" by Matt Cohen, first appeared in the Montreal literary magazine XYZ in 1990. It is a sly tale with a delicious twist at the end, typical of what Dé refers to as her "dry and restrained sense of humour," but it also contains undercurrents that propel it into the realm of the serious.



Claire Dé

Claire Dé was born in Montreal on November 19, 1953, the twin sister of Anne Dandurand. She divided her time between Montreal and Paris for many years, and now lives permanently in Paris.Her first book, co-authored with her sister, was La Louve-garou (1982), a feminist version of the Quebec folkloric tales of the loup-garou, or werewolf. Le Désir comme catastrophe naturelle, a collection of short fiction published in 1989, won the Prix Stendhal.