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ISBN: 9780865719118-04

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Croplands, Forests, and Oceans

How Much Biocapacity Do We Have?

From: Ecological Footprint


This is the other side of the coin: what nature is able to deliver. It explains why regeneration is the mother of all material constraints.



Mathis Wackernagel

Mathis Wackernagel is co-creator of the Ecological Footprint and president of Global Footprint Network. Recipient of numerous awards, he has lectured at more than a hundred universities and is author or contributor to over one hundred peer-reviewed papers, articles, reports, and books including the bestselling Our Ecological Footprint. He lives in Oakland, California.

Bert Beyers

Bert Beyers, born in Mönchengladbach, Germany, is a senior editor at the Norddeutscher Rundfunk in Hamburg. For several decades, questions of ecology and future have been his professional passion. He has published widely including a book with Franz Josef Radermacher on survival in the 21st century entitled Welt mit Zukunft: Die ökozoziale Perspektive. He lives in Hamburg, Germany.