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ISBN: 9781773635231-02

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Dwelling in the Ethical Quicksand of Archival Research Violence and Representation in the Telling of Terror Stories


From: Unravelling Research


In Chapter 3, Teresa Macías reflects on the ethical challenges associated with researching stories of state-sponsored terror recorded in archives. This chapter discusses topics including ethics, politics, records of violence, colonial archives, and political narratives.



Teresa Macías

Teresa Macías is an associate professor in the School of Social Work, York University. Her scholarly interests include transnational human rights regimes, poststructuralism, decolonial thought and social work education. She has done research and published on a diversity of topics, including human rights policies in Latin America, truth and reconciliation commissions, state compensation policies, nation-building, torture, issues of representation, critical pedagogy, neoliberalism in social work, research methodology and research ethics. Dr. Macías came to Canada from Chile as a political refugee.