
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781771133340-06

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Educators and Education at a Distance

The High-Tech Classroom and the New Mediated Learning

From: Degrees of Failure


If we continue pouring resources into an education at a distance centred on the “efficiency” of machine technology our universities will continue to replicate the computerized mentality behind the machine, as well as its learning “outputs.” It is an education that will make it even more difficult for students and faculty to learn critical person and place distinctions but also, and more generally, how to critically distinguish the meaningful from the trivial.



Randle W. Nelsen

Randle W. Nelsen has taught sociology in Canada and the United States for fifty years. He has written extensively on higher education, professionalism and bureaucratic work, and popular culture. He is the author of Fun & Games & Higher Education: The Lonely Crowd Revisited and Life of the Party: A Study in Sociability, Community, and Social Inequality.