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ISBN: 9780865719118-06

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Footprint as Compass

How Much Biocapacity Do We Need for a Good Life?

From: Ecological Footprint


Ultimately, the issue is not how little we use, but how well we can live. Still there are the planetary constraints. This is the core tension defining sustainable development. This chapter makes sustainable development measurable.



Mathis Wackernagel

Mathis Wackernagel is co-creator of the Ecological Footprint and president of Global Footprint Network. Recipient of numerous awards, he has lectured at more than a hundred universities and is author or contributor to over one hundred peer-reviewed papers, articles, reports, and books including the bestselling Our Ecological Footprint. He lives in Oakland, California.

Bert Beyers

Bert Beyers, born in Mönchengladbach, Germany, is a senior editor at the Norddeutscher Rundfunk in Hamburg. For several decades, questions of ecology and future have been his professional passion. He has published widely including a book with Franz Josef Radermacher on survival in the 21st century entitled Welt mit Zukunft: Die ökozoziale Perspektive. He lives in Hamburg, Germany.