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ISBN: 9781773635231-05

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Mad Epistemologies and Maddening the Ethics of Knowledge Production


From: Unravelling Research


In Chapter 6 authors Brenda A. LeFrançois and Jijian Voronka reflect on the politics of knowledge production concerning people historically labelled as mad, arguing for the maddening of both research and of ethics. In the process, they show how ethics, epistemology and methodology are inseparable and must always be considered together. The chapter explores topics including mad subjectification, standardization of knowledge, institutionalization, medicalization, and the political context behind madness.



Brenda A. LeFrançois

Brenda LeFrançois is a critical psychologist, social work educator and university research professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Jijian Voronka

Jijian Voronka is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Windsor. She teaches primarily for their Disability Studies program, where she uses Critical Disability Studies perspectives to elucidate confluences of power that affect disabled people in everyday, community, and institutional life. Her current research explores disability inclusion strategies in health and social service systems; peer/survivor research methodologies in practice; sites of confinement in the age of deinstitutionalization; and teaching and learning through disability justice frameworks.