
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781771133340-04

Categories: , , , ,

Professionals and Professionalism

Protecting the Status Quo and Academic Disciplines

From: Degrees of Failure


Undergraduate students occupying the lowest rung on the academic hierarchy are seen as non-professionals who need further training to ensure that they follow the judgments and decisions of their betters. This thinking and these outcomes are repeated daily on college and university campuses across North America. Together, the role of servility and civility in reproducing status quo arrangements brings to mind the now-legendary student protests of the 1960s and the part played by professionals and professionalism in keeping the lid on campus unrest.



Randle W. Nelsen

Randle W. Nelsen has taught sociology in Canada and the United States for fifty years. He has written extensively on higher education, professionalism and bureaucratic work, and popular culture. He is the author of Fun & Games & Higher Education: The Lonely Crowd Revisited and Life of the Party: A Study in Sociability, Community, and Social Inequality.