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ISBN: 9781773635231-04

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Racialized Discourses

Writing against an Essentialized Story about Racism as a Practice of Ethics


From: Unravelling Research


In Chapter 5 author Harjeet Kaur Badwall cautions racialized researchers against unquestioned assumptions of insider researcher positions when doing research on racism. She urges us to resist the impulse to assume sameness because such an assumption creates the illusion of the existence of one authentic universal voice that can tell one story of racism. Yet, she does not adhere to unproblematic assumptions of outsiderness either; this is due to the fact that racialized researchers do have their own embodied knowledge of racism that inform their work. Instead, Badwall proposes that we situate ourselves in what she calls a “third space”: space that is neither inside nor completely outside the communities and experiences of racialized people.



Harjeet Kaur Badwall

Harjeet Kaur Badwall is associate professor at York University’s School of Social Work in Toronto, Canada. Her areas of research focus on race, racism and whiteness in Social Work, racialized and gender based violence, practice and theory connections, interlocking analysis of violence and oppression, post-structural theory, and Narrative therapy and practice. Harjeet worked in the anti-violence field for many years as a counselor, community organizer and activist.