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ISBN: 9780776629209-02

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Selfless Service

Women and Volunteering in Wartime


From: Material Traces of War


In both world wars, volunteering was arguably the most socially acceptable manner for women to support the war effort. This chapter includes a number of stories of individuals whose contributions fall within this maternal sphere. Volunteering was a mindset, and Canadian women took it up with no small amount of enthusiasm in both the First and Second World Wars. Without their support, time, and energy, the outcome of the wars would have been very different.



Stacey Barker

Stacey Barker works as Historian, Arts & Military History for Canadian Museum of History.

Krista Cooke

Krista Cooke is a Curator at Parks Canada.

Molly McCullough

Molly McCullough is the assistant curator at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum.