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ISBN: 9781552660805

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The Fourth World

An Indigenous Perspective on Feminism and Aboriginal Women's Activism

This book is not about feminism. Rather, feminism is the basis of the discussion, an example of how understanding oppression must consider a number of barriers. Euro-Canadian feminists rarely address the circumstances that are unique to First Nations’ women, instead working with the assumption that all women are a part of a similar struggle. Ouellette attempts to confront these barriers. Throughout interviews with a number of women, she highlights the following four questions. To what extent do Aboriginal women understand, experience and articulate their oppression? To what extent do colonized women perceive racism as the source of their oppression? To what extent do Aboriginal women view male domination within their own Aboriginal societies as the source of the oppression? How do Aboriginal women articulate racism and gender oppression?


Grace J.M.W. Ouellette

Grace J.M.W. Ouellette was raised on the Red Pheasant Reserve by her grandmother. She includes Métis, Cree and Assiniboine when describing her ancestry. Her primary academic interest is in Native Studies and the status of Indigenous women.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


- 3 $0.30


- 13 $1.30


- 24 $2.40


- 32 $3.20


- 10 $1.00


- 3 $0.30