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ISBN: 9781459502956

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Titanic Remembered

The Unsinkable Ship and Halifax

The sinking of the ocean-liner Titanic in April of 1912 captured the attention of the world; as the nearest large port to the site of the disaster, Halifax became the focus of the world’s grief.

Today, visitors from around the world go to Halifax to see the many unique artefacts of the sinking in the collection of the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, a permanent exhibit that recounts the story of Titanic and the city’s role in the disaster. This book, newly updated, describes the extensive search that followed the sinking and examines how people came to terms with the impact of the sinking.

Titanic Remembered offers a unique perspective on the Titanic saga, serving as a valuable illustration of the disaster’s tragic aftermath.


Alan Ruffman

ALAN RUFFMAN is a marine geologist who has long been interested in Titanic. He has published in scholarly journals and popular magazines, and he was co-editor of a recent collection on the Halifax Explosion

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


An introduction that sums up why the author is qualified to write this book. It also outlines an exhibit at the Martime Museum of the Atlantic about the Titanic sinking 2 $0.20


Explains the triumph that was the Titanic and the reasons for them calling it the unsinkable ship, and the luxury involved in the travel, the onboarding of the passengers in European ports, Looks … 3 $0.30


Looks at the Journey of the Titanic on the Sea, looks at specific experiences by passengers, the dangerous of icebergs, analyzes the disaster of the sinking, the responses from the white star … 11 $1.10


Looks at the ships involved in the aftermath of the disaster and the effort to find survivors: Mackay-Bennett, Minia, Montmagny and Algerine 12 $1.20


Looks at the Halifax response to the tragedy and how the city handled their responsibility as the closest port to the sunken ship. Memorial Services, Bringing in the bodies, Burials, and the … 12 $1.20


Looks at identifying the Passengers who were on board and specific passengers are more thoroughly looked at like George Wright, Molly Brown, and many others 10 $1.00


Looks at the fascination that has persisted regarding the Titanic, the searches for the ships and the discovery of it in 1985, outlines the Titanic Sites in Halifax 8 $0.80


The impact of the Titanic Sinking is overviewed 2 $0.20