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ISBN: 9781552667958


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Indigenous Nationhood

Empowering Grassroots Citizens

Indigenous Nationhood is a selection of blog posts by well-known lawyer, activist and academic Pamela Palmater. Palmater offers critical legal and political commentary and analysis on legislation, Aboriginal rights, Canadian politics, First Nations politics and social issues such as murdered and missing Indigenous women, poverty, economics, identity and culture. Palmater’s writing tackles myths and stereotypes about Indigenous peoples head-on, discusses Indigenous nationhood and nation building, examines treaty rights and provides an accessible, critical analysis of laws and government policies being imposed on Indigenous peoples.

Fiercely anti-racist and anti-colonial, this book is intended to help rebuild the connections between Indigenous citizens and their home communities, local governments and Indigenous Nations for the benefit of future generations.


Pamela Palmater

Pamela Palmater is Mi’kmaq from the Eel River Bar First Nation in northern New Brunswick. She has been a practising lawyer for sixteen years, working on treaties, land claims, self-government, economic development, policy development and intergovernmental relations, including at the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission as an investigator of human rights complaints.

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