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ISBN: 9781552668917


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Gender, Law & Justice

A Custom Texbook compiled for Emily van der Meulen, Department of Criminology, Ryerson University

Gender, Law and Justice explores feminist theoretical frameworks and gendered experiences of Canadian law and the criminal justice system. Taken together, the authors advance an intersectional approach that examines how the law structures and is structured by social contexts, socio-demographics and social inequalities, including race, class and sexuality.

This Custom Textbook from Fernwood draws draws on a variety of Fernwood publications and is designed for undergraduate courses related to gender, sexuality and the law. Chapters topics include: feminism and theory, marriage and family violence; racism and colonialism; reproductive justice; poverty; labour; the war on drugs; and prison. This collection was compiled by Emily van der Meulen, Department of Criminology, Ryerson University.

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
10 $1.00
42 $4.20
; 13 $1.30
29 $2.90
18 $1.80
; 26 $2.60
18 $1.80
21 $2.10
22 $2.20
28 $2.80
; 27 $2.70
; 22 $2.20
; 25 $2.50
18 $1.80
24 $2.40
24 $2.40
32 $3.20
; 10 $1.00