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ISBN: 9781552215012-04


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Substantive Principles of Fundamental Justice

From: Fundamental Justice 2/e


Chapter 4 covers the subsantive principles of fundamental justice.



Hamish Stewart

Hamish Stewart is a professor of law at the University of Toronto, where he has taught criminal law, the law of evidence, and legal theory since 1993. Before attending law school, he studied economics, receiving his BA from the University of Toronto in 1983 and his PhD from Harvard University in 1989. He received his LLB from the University of Toronto in 1992, clerked at the Ontario Court of Appeal in 1992–93, and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1998. He is the author of the loose-leaf service Sexual Offences in Canadian Law (2004) and of the Evidence title of Halsbury’s Laws of Canada (2010; reissues, 2014 and 2018). He is the general editor of Evidence: A Canadian Casebook, 4th ed (2016) and the associate editor of the Canadian Criminal Cases. He has published more than eighty scholarly papers in criminal law, evidence, legal theory, and economics.