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ISBN: 9780776606842-08


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Merit as the Essential Mandate: Repositioning the PSC: 1993-2008

From: Defending a Contested Ideal


Throughout the 1990s, the Public Service Commission itself sought to adapt to a changing context: it progressively revamped its approach to delegation, placing greater emphasis on respect for core values and accountability for results, and it came close to radically reducing its involvement in service delivery and focusing more exclusively on oversight. However, with the adoption of the Public Service Modernization Act in 2003, those efforts were overshadowed by more profound legislative and institutional reforms: the definition of merit was modified in the pursuit of greater managerial efficiency, and the PSC lost some of its functions in favour of a strengthened focus on the oversight of merit.



Luc Juillet

Having served as its founding director until 2012, Luc Juillet now teaches democratic government, public administration and environmental policy at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

Ken Rasmussen is director of the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Regina.