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ISBN: 9781552453698-22

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The Multiple Lives of Ordinary Buildings

From: The Ward Uncovered




John Lorinc

JOHN LORINC is a Toronto journalist and editor. He writes about urban affairs, politics, business, the environment, and local history for a range of publications, including the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, Walrus Magazine, and Spacing, where he is a senior editor. He has won numerous magazine awards for his feature writing. John has been reporting about municipal government in Toronto since 1995, and began writing about local history in 2004, initially with profiles of R. C. Harris and Charles Hastings. He is also the author of three books, including The New City (Penguin, 2006), and a co-editor of three previous Coach House anthologies: The Ward: The Life and Loss of Toronto’s First Immigrant Neighbourhood (2015), Subdivided: City-building in the Era of Hyper-Diversity (2016), and Any Other Way: How Toronto Got Queer (2017). John is currently the Toronto non-fiction editor for Coach House.