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ISBN: 9781773634807-09

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Cutting the Lifeline

Shuttering the Saskatchewan Transportation Company

From: Divided


This chapter explores the rise and dissolution of the Saskatchewan Transportation Company, a popular Crown corporation that provided province-wide transportation and parcel services.



Cindy Hanson

Cindy Hanson is a professor in the University of Regina’s Department of Sociology and Social Studies. She is president of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education and, with JoAnn Jaffe, is a founding member of Save STC.

JoAnn Jaffe

JoAnn Jaffe is a professor of sociology and social studies at the University of Regina and part-time organic crop and livestock farmer. She teaches and researches in the areas of development, rural societies, environment, gender, and social theory, and she has conducted research in the Caribbean, North America, Central America, East Africa and Israel/Palestine. A longtime activist, she has often collaborated or worked in partnership with non-academic or community groups, as well as pursued a more academic research program. Her recent research and publishing have been collaborative studies on the intersectional impacts of co-operatives in Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda; social practices related to food production and food security in Ethiopia; and the restructuring of rural life and agriculture in Saskatchewan. Jaffe was a review editor for the Global Volume of the UN International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science, and Technology for Development (iaastd), co-editor and author of Farm Communities at the Crossroads (UR Press) and Contesting Fundamentalisms (Fernwood), and editor of the journal Prairie Forum.