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ISBN: 9781773635156-13

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Closing the Circle


From: Decolonizing Equity


In the conclusion, Billie Allan and V.C. Rhonda Hackett close the circle by reflecting on why they published this book.



Billie Allan

Billie Allan is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work, University of Victoria, and chair of the Thunderbird Circle – Indigenous Social Work Educators Network. Dr. Allan is a Two Spirit Anishinaabe scholar from Sharbot Lake, Ontario, whose research is focused on Indigenous health and well-being, including the impact of racism and child welfare. She is the co-author, along with Dr. Janet Smylie, of First Peoples, Second Class Treatment: The Role of Racism in the Health and Well-Being of Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

V.C. Rhonda Hackett

Rhonda Hackett is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work, University of Victoria. Dr. Hackett is an African Caribbean scholar whose work is informed by extensive social work practice experience and a decolonizing theoretical lens woven from the offerings of critical race theory, Black feminist thought and Indigenous thought. Her scholarship is focused on advancing understanding of the lived experiences and knowledge of African Caribbean peoples living in the lands currently known as Canada, including matters of family and community well-being.