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ISBN: 9781771135849-08

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8. Gentrification is Inevitable


From: Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies


Chapter 8 highlights examples of resistance to gentrification through grassroot movements, political activism, and changes in public policy. Examples discussed include the Fruit Belt CLT in Buffalo, the Milton Park Community CMP in Montreal, the Evergreen Cooperative Initiative in Cleveland, “housing as a human right” protests and movements, CBOs in Detroit, right-to-the-city activists, the 2021 German vote in favour of nationalizing thousands of rental units, Aboriginal Housing Corporation’s across Canada,  the Google Bus Blockades,  the San Francisco Anti-Displacement Coalition (SFADC), resistance in the historic Bo-Kaap muslim district of Cape Town, urban “elitization”, and the Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network.



Leslie Kern

Leslie Kern is the author of two books on gender and cities, including Feminist City: Claiming Space in a Man-Made World. She holds a PhD in women’s studies from York University. Currently, Leslie is an associate professor of geography and environment and women’s and gender studies at Mount Allison University. Her research has earned a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award, a National Housing Studies Achievement Award, and several national multi-year grants. Leslie is also an academic career coach, where she helps academics find meaning and joy in their work. Originally from Toronto, Leslie now resides with her partner and two cats in Mi’kma’ki, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada.