Grassroots Activism

Showing 1–16 of 131 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase


Embracing Hope, Taking Action, and Transforming the World

With every news report, the world seems to be careening off the rails. It’s all too easy to slip into despair waiting for co-opted, self-serving governments to act. The antidote to fear and … ; 208 View

Intrinsic Hope

Living Courageously In Troubled Times

Climate disruption. Growing social inequality. Pollution. We are living in an era of unprecedented crises, resulting in widespread feelings of fear, despair, and grief. Now, more than ever, … 203 View

John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and the Year Canada Was Cool

John Lennon was the world’s biggest rock star in the late Sixties. With his new wife Yoko Ono, the duo were icons of the peace movement denouncing the Vietnam War. In 1969, at the height of … 250 View


Inside the Fight Against Capitalist Mega-Sports in Los Angeles, Tokyo & Beyond

NOlympians: Inside the Fight Against Capitalist Mega-Sports in Los Angeles, Tokyo and Beyond investigates the intersection of the global rise of anti-Olympics activism and the declining … 208 View

Organizing the 1%

How Corporate Power Works

Canada is ruled by an organized minority of the 1%, a class of corporate owners, managers and bankers who amass wealth by controlling the large corporations at the core of the economy. But … ; 184 View

Persistent Poverty

Voices From the Margins

It’s a very short trip from the limousine seat to the curb. Jim Mann never missed a payroll for the dozen men who worked for his flourishing landscaping business he built from the ground … ; ; 184 View

Quiet No More

New Political Activism in Canada and Around the Globe

Spontaneous and creative protest movements have burst onto the political stage in Canada and around the world. Joel D. Harden, an activist, writer, and educator, offers a ground-level account of … 264 View

The Tenant Class

In this trailblazing manifesto, political economist Ricardo Tranjan places tenants and landlords on either side of the class divide that splits North American society. What if there is no housing … 145 View

Whose Streets?

The Toronto G20 and the Challenges of Summit Protest

In June 2010 activists opposing the G20 meeting held in Toronto were greeted with arbitrary state violence on a scale never before seen in Canada. Whose Streets? is a combination of testimonials … 256 View

From: Persistent Poverty

The Introduction describes the process by which the the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC) gathered the material for this book through a 2010 social audit process that engaged … ; ; 5 $0.50 Add

From: Whose Streets?

In 2010 G20 leaders met in Toronto to pursue an agenda of bailouts and austerity measures. Unsurprisingly, thousands of people gathered in Toronto for ten days of action to oppose these … ; 15 $1.50 Add


From: NOlympians

2 $0.20 Add


Where On Earth Are We Going

From: Intrinsic Hope

In this book, I propose the idea of “intrinsic hope.” Intrinsic hope is different from conventional hope because it is not based on the expectation that life will give us what we hope … 19 $1.90 Add


Becoming Cool: Canada in the 1960s

From: John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and the Year Canada Was Cool

The introduction sets the stage by exploring the Canadian cultural landscape of the 1960’s, the impact of the Centennial, Expo ‘67, and the election of Pierre Trudeau as prime minister. 13 $1.30 Add


Why Write This Book?

From: Quiet No More

Outlines the authors history of Activism and how he came to the point of writing this book. His qualifications on the subject and the focus of the book 7 $0.70 Add


Speech at the Funeral of Arthur Manuel

From: The Reconciliation Manifesto

Activist Naomi Klein offers an assessment of the importance of the life and work of Arthur Manuel, including his involvement in protesting pipeline construction in the months leading up to his death. 5 $0.50 Add