Governor General

Showing all 7 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Responsible Government: Theory and Practice

From: Democratizing the Constitution

Historical review of responsible government in Canada in support of an argument that the current situation is in need of reform. 45 $4.50 Add

When Conventions Fail: Constitutional Governance Without Clear Rules

From: Democratizing the Constitution

Discussion of uncertainty and disagreement over features of constitutional conventions, particularly prorogation, the confidence convention, and dissolution of a parliament. 36 $3.60 Add

The Prime Minister and the House of Commons: The Democracy Deficit

From: Democratizing the Constitution

Assessment of Canada’s parliamentary system in support of an argument that the House of Commons cannot effectively constrain prime ministerial abuse of executive power. 44 $4.40 Add

Letting the People Decide: When Elections Aren’t Enough

From: Democratizing the Constitution

Discussion of the role of elections as one factor contributing to responsible government in a parliamentary democracy. 47 $4.70 Add

Conclusion: Reforming Responsible Government

From: Democratizing the Constitution

Outline of proposals for reforming responsible government to democratize the Canadian constitution by controlling the executive powers of the prime minister. 51 $5.10 Add

Prorogation Revisited: Eugene Forsey on Parliament and the Governor General

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

2009 restatement by Helen Forsey of a document prepared in 1984 by Eugene Forsey setting out the role of the Governor General if no party gets a clear majority in an election. ; ; 4 $0.40 Add

The Art of Possible

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

Excerpt of a 1961 book by James Eayrs describing the role of the Prime Minister in relation to the Cabinet and the Governor General with respect to foreign affairs. ; ; 4 $0.40 Add