
Showing 1–16 of 79 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Autonomous Vehicles

Self-Driving Cars and the Law of Canada

Much of North American society has been built around automobiles — our cities are designed around them; our economy is propelled by them. Therefore, the impact and benefit of … ; 254 View

Car Nation

An Illustrated History of Canada's Transformation Behind the Wheel

Canadians fell in love with the car at first glance. They were scared by it too, and by its potential. Canada was quick to become a car nation, as the automobile was enthusiastically adopted by … 96 View

Do Androids Dream of Electric Cars?

Public Transit in the Age of Google, Uber, and Elon Musk

Public transportation is in crisis. Through an assessment of the history of automobility in North America, the “three revolutions” in automotive transportation, as well as the current … 306 View

Dry Run

Preventing the Next Urban Water Crisis

In the Age of Scarcity now upon us, fresh water shortages are an increasingly serious global problem. With water restrictions emerging in many developed countries and water diversions for … 312 View

Fastest in the World

The Saga of Canada's Revolutionary Hydrofoils

Like the builders of the Avro Arrow, the pioneers of hydrofoils are celebrated in this book for their world-class accomplishments. When Alexander Graham Bell was experimenting with flying … 98 View

Samuel Cunard

Nova Scotia's Master of the North Atlantic

An illustrated biography of a Canadian who sparked a world transportation revolution In North America, the name Cunard is synonymous with shipping. This book traces the entrepreneurial rise of … 112 View

This Is Your Captain Speaking

Stories from the Flight Deck

For everyone from frequent fliers to aviation geeks, travel buffs to nervous travellers, Captain Doug Morris tells you everything you want (and need!) to know about flight Captain Doug Morris has … 278 View


From: Fastest in the World

Acknowledgements 1 $0.10 Add

Defining Autonomous Vehicles

From: Autonomous Vehicles

In chapter one, Baker defines what an automation is by examining the six levels of automation as defined by Society of American Engineers or SAE, Level 0: No Automation, Level 1: Driver … 15 $1.50 Add

Forward and Preface

From: Dry Run

For this book, I’ve chosen to focus on my first love in the professional world, water, a subject to which I devoted a considerable part of my early professional career. With the arrival of … 7 $0.70 Add


Machines, People, Places and a World Transformed

From: Car Nation

Examines the car as a technology that changed the world as we know it. Outlines that the car became a fulcrum for human interaction. Looks at the American Influence on the Canadian Car Industry. … 9 $0.90 Add


The slow bleed

From: Do Androids Dream of Electric Cars?

The introduction of Do Androids Dream of Electric Cars? begins with a survey of positive and progressive images of public transit throughout the history of science fiction, most recently in the … 16 $1.60 Add

Preface & Introduction

A Paradigm Shift

From: Samuel Cunard

Explains the importance of Samuel Cunard in giving a major push to the use of steamships and the paradigm shift of the first use of regularized transportation and communication by steamship … 5 $0.50 Add

This is Your Captain Speaking…

From: This Is Your Captain Speaking

In the introduction author Doug Morris explains how he hopes this book will fill the void of aviation knowledge by enlightening a wide spectrum of readers. As his aviation career is on its final … 3 $0.30 Add

A Short History of Water

From: Dry Run

In this chapter you’ll learn a little of the fascinating history of water and civilization and how politics, economics and water have been part of the history of the US, especially of the … 11 $1.10 Add

Examples of Autonomous or Semi-autonomous Vehicles Currently in Production

From: Autonomous Vehicles

In chapter two, Baker reviews all existing automated sensing systems being used in vehicles today, examining the varying levels and challenges of each. 13 $1.30 Add