Internet and Social Media

Showing all 14 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Take Back the Fight

Organizing Feminism for the Digital Age

Two decades of neoliberalism have destroyed a structured, pan-regional feminist movement in Canada. As a result, new generations of feminists have come to age without ever seeing the force that … 256 View


If Mainstream Feminism Says Everything Can Be Feminist, Is Everything Feminist?

From: Take Back the Fight

In the Introduction, the author first discusses abortion, both its personal and political aspects. The limitations of feminism to make lives better for racialized, Indigenous, disabled and queer … 12 $1.20 Add

White Supremacy and the First Feminist Waves in Canada

From: Take Back the Fight

In the first chapter, the author narrates the history of the first feminist movement in Canada until the collapse of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women. She focuses on the … 18 $1.80 Add

Neoliberalism and Decentralized Activism

From: Take Back the Fight

The second chapter, Neoliberalism and Decentralized Activism, provides background on neoliberal economic policy and considers the role of it in the destruction of social movements via the ways it … 20 $2.00 Add

Feminism in the Digital Era

From: Take Back the Fight

The third chapter, Feminism in the Digital Era, looks at how digital technologies have shaped feminism, via having new ways to organize. It also considers the weaknesses of such platforms in the … 16 $1.60 Add

City of One

From: Feminist City

Kern explores how mobile digital technologies are essential feminist tools to urban survival. 31 $3.10 Add

Social Movement Organizations as a Vehicle for Change

From: Take Back the Fight

Chapter four, Social Movement Organizations as a Vehicle for Change, first unpacks what movement organizations are, looking at the campaign for maternity leave as a case study, and then … 18 $1.80 Add

Debating and Re-Debating What Is Feminism

From: Take Back the Fight

Debating and Re-Debating What is Feminism, chapter five, articulates the importance of holding debates, and the need for a location for hosting debates. She asserts that debate skills are … 22 $2.20 Add

Disseminating Feminist Knowledge in the Digital Era

From: Take Back the Fight

Disseminating Feminist Knowledge in the Digital Era, chapter six, argues for the importance of and need for locations for sharing feminist knowledge and debate, and for developing activist … 22 $2.20 Add

Ad Hoc Organizing in the Digital Age

From: Take Back the Fight

Chapter seven, Ad Hoc Organizing in the Digital Age, looks at the relationship between ad hoc organizing and collective organizing using the SlutWalk Phenomenon as an example of ad hoc organizing … 22 $2.20 Add

Accountable Leadership

From: Take Back the Fight

In chapter eight, Accountable Leadership, the importance of leaders in the feminist movement and the importance of accountability in leadership is considered. The author emphasizes the … 16 $1.60 Add

Feminist Opposition to Power

From: Take Back the Fight

Chapter nine, Feminist Opposition to Power, considers how mainstream politics have adopted the feminist label whether it is true or not. More broadly, the author considers the dilution of the … 22 $2.20 Add

Mainstreaming Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Racist Feminism

From: Take Back the Fight

Chapter ten, Mainstreaming Anti-capitalist, Anti-racist Feminism, argues that modern, mainstream feminism needs to be anti-racist, anti-capitalist and anti- colonial in order to be relevant, … 22 $2.20 Add


To Make Radical Feminism Mainstream

From: Take Back the Fight

The Afterword takes a look at the 2020 Nova Scotia mass murder and examines its relationship to misogyny and toxic masculinity, as well as how mass murderers often target women. The chapter also … 6 $0.60 Add