Nova Scotia

Showing 1–16 of 61 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Canada’s Bastions of Empire

Halifax, Victoria and the Royal Navy 1749-1918

This book offers a fresh perspective on North American history, and the key role played by Halifax and Victoria in ensuring that Canada emerged as an independent country in the 20th century. … 280 View


love notes to tough times

The author of Alder Music, Gary Saunders returns with an evocative, lyrical, and immersive collection of personal essays on our relationship with nature and with each other. In nine sections, … 316 View

Fastest in the World

The Saga of Canada's Revolutionary Hydrofoils

Like the builders of the Avro Arrow, the pioneers of hydrofoils are celebrated in this book for their world-class accomplishments. When Alexander Graham Bell was experimenting with flying … 98 View

South End Boy

Growing up in Halifax in the tumultuous '30s and '40s

In this memoir Jim Bennet introduces us to Halifax of the 1930s and ’40s: one full of coal smoke and rival gangs, chuffing freight trains and pine tar soap. He takes the reader along with … 143 View


From: Fastest in the World

Acknowledgements 1 $0.10 Add


From: Earthkeeping

Forward from Tom Dawe, St. John’s Poet Laureate from 2010-13. 1 $0.10 Add


From: Canada's Bastions of Empire

explains how the information of Canada’s defenses on the homefront are missing from the historical account of the Great War, outlines some geo-political information of importance to the … 9 $0.90 Add


From: South End Boy

1930s and 1940s Halifax 3 $0.30 Add


From: South End Boy

1930s and 1940s Halifax. Talks about the house he grew up in 7 $0.70 Add


Air Water, and Nova Scotia

From: Fastest in the World

A brief overview of the evolution of high speed transportation throughout the 20th century and an introduction to Nova Scotia’s role in the development of two record breaking watercraft: … 4 $0.40 Add

Introduction: Nature under Glass?

From: Earthkeeping

The Introduction reflects on nature from a child’s perspective and the lessons to be learned. 3 $0.30 Add

The Watch Is Set, 1749–1858

From: Canada's Bastions of Empire

examines how Britain had made Canada part of its strategic thinking for more than 150 years before war broke out in 1914, with focus on the naval basis in Halifax and Victoria 24 $2.40 Add

Bell and Baldwin

From: Fastest in the World

1870-1909. Examines the partnership of Alexander Graham Bell and Casey Baldwin and what led to the creadtion of the HD-4, a record-breaking hydrofoil. 10 $1.00 Add


From: South End Boy

1930s and 1940s Halifax. Sounds of the city/time 5 $0.50 Add

The Life Rural

Part One

From: Earthkeeping

Part One contains the sections: A Place in Time, Meditating in the Country, Robinsong, and I Miss My Barbers. Topics discussed include the Acadian culture and farming, the Acadian Expulsion, the … 19 $1.90 Add

Threat and Response, 1858–1905

From: Canada's Bastions of Empire

Mostly dealing with relations with America during this time it analyzes Canadian responses to threats during this period, including the Alaska boundary 50 $5.00 Add