Politics & Power

Showing 1–16 of 99 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Essential Work Disposable Workers

Migration, Capitalism, and Class

Across the world we are witnessing daily the lethal effects of a rapid and scary hardening of borders, ignited and justified by manufactured fear and scarcity. In such conditions, highly … 230 View

If You’re In My Way, I’m Walking

The Assault on Working People Since 1970

“If you’re in my way I’m walking.” This arrogant statement by former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien on the occasion of his physical altercation with a protester in … 160 View

Leading Progess

The Professional Institute of the Public Service Canada, 1920–2020

On February 6, 1920, a small group of public service employees met for the first time to form a professional association. A century later, the Professional Institute of the Public Service Canada … 272 View

Making Sense of Society

Power and Possibility

Grounded in the sister disciplines of sociology and anthropology, this textbook is an accessible and critical introduction to contemporary social research. Alex Khasnabish eschews the common … 273 View

Patriarchy of the Wage

Notes on Marx, Gender, and Feminism

At a time when socialism is entering a historic crisis and we are witnessing a worldwide expansion of capitalist relations, a feminist rethinking of Marx’s work is vitally important. In … 144 View

The Power Manual

How to Master Complex Power Dynamics

Liberate yourself by understanding and mastering power dynamics All social relations are laden with power. Getting out from under dominant power relations and mastering power dynamics is perhaps … 195 View

Foreword / Introduction: Essential Yet Disposable

From: Essential Work Disposable Workers

This section includes the foreword and introduction of this book. In the introduction, Mostafa Heneway describes the political landscape that facilitates the exploitation of migrant workers and … 14 $1.40 Add


From: Leading Progess

7 $0.70 Add


From: Patriarchy of the Wage

7 $0.70 Add


From: The Power Manual

Why do power relations matter in social change, or for any of us who care about living the best life we can live? Because we have to be clear about the type of power we seek. We need power to … 4 $0.40 Add