Homelessness & Housing

Showing 1–16 of 24 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Ending Homelessness in Canada

The Case for Homelessness Prevention

Homelessness is at critical levels. This book identifies the causes and offers ideas about what it will take to prevent Canadians from finding themselves without a roof over their head. More … 186 View

Making a Home

Assisted Living in the Community for Young Disabled People

In some Canadian provinces, people with severe physical disabilities are simply warehoused in nursing homes, where many people, especially in the age of homecare, are in the final stages of their … 136 View

The Tenant Class

In this trailblazing manifesto, political economist Ricardo Tranjan places tenants and landlords on either side of the class divide that splits North American society. What if there is no housing … 145 View

Preface and Introduction: What Didn’t Happen: The Case for Homelessness Prevention and A Framework for Homelessness Prevention

From: Ending Homelessness in Canada

Editor James Hughes discuss the rapid increase of homelessness since the covid-19 pandemic. through this he outlines the need for a book of this type, to stop focusing on how to treatment … ; ; ; 30 $3.00 Add

The Problem

From: Making a Home

In this chapter, Powley discusses the many young people with disabilities who are placed in aged care facilities and how this impacts their mental health and social needs. Powley discusses the … 28 $2.80 Add

Confronting Financialization to Prevent Homelessness

From: Ending Homelessness in Canada

In this chapter, Katlin Schwan asks us to consider how financialization, specifically the financialization of housing is contributing to the homelessness epidemic. Increasing rental prices, the … 12 $1.20 Add

Living with a Disability

From: Making a Home

Powley reflects on what it is like to live with a disability. She discusses the need for group homes, ableism, accessible accommodation, and her own personal experiences living in Nova Scotia as … 32 $3.20 Add

Tenants, a Social Class

From: The Tenant Class

Ricardo discusses the socioeconomic characteristics of tenants in Canada and argues that they exist as an economically exploited social class. He examines the Canadian rental market by providing … 12 $1.20 Add

Myths about the Tenant Class

From: The Tenant Class

Ricardo examines societal perceptions of the average Canadian who rents property. Ricardo discusses home ownership as a staple of successful life in Canadian society and the cultural stigma … 14 $1.40 Add

The Answer

From: Making a Home

This chapter examines potential housing solutions for young people with disabilities. Independent living philosophy vs medical model is explored, and Powley discusses her own experience with … 59 $5.90 Add

Turning Off the Tap

Preventing Homelessness for Victims of Violence

From: Ending Homelessness in Canada

Chapter Two discusses the pipeline for victims of intimate partner violence into homelessness. Author Pearl Eliadis discusses the lack of second stage housing, emergency housing, the need for … 15 $1.50 Add

How Is Incarceration Generating Homelessness and What Can Be Done?

From: Ending Homelessness in Canada

In this chapter, Art Campbell examines how incarceration leads to homelessness. By speaking with experts, using case studies and studying solutions he offers strategies to prevent this. 15 $1.50 Add

Youth Homelessness

How to Prevent It

From: Ending Homelessness in Canada

in this chapter author Cécile Arbaud looks at the many factors that lead to youth becoming homeless. Youth in care, youth experiencing mental health crises and their complex factors provide … 17 $1.70 Add

July 2020: The Lie of Personal Responsibility

From: Spin Doctors

In this chapter, Loreto examines the neoliberal politics employed by politicians and the media to encourage a sense of individual responsibility to prevent further spread of the virus. Loreto … 22 $2.20 Add

Preventing Homelessness among People with Mental Illness

From: Ending Homelessness in Canada

Chapter 5 tackles mental illness as it relates to homelessness. Examining the complex ways in which individuals with mental illness fall into homelessness and barriers that nonlinear or rational … 113 $11.30 Add

Tenant Organizing Today

From: The Tenant Class

In this chapter, Ricardo examines the steps tenants can take to advocate for their rights. He discusses tenant unions, the power of organizing, and details various examples of grassroots tenant … 15 $1.50 Add