Family & Relationships 

Showing 1–16 of 84 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Conflict Is Not Abuse

Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility, and the Duty of Repair

From intimate relationships to global politics, Sarah Schulman observes a continuum: that inflated accusations of harm are used to avoid accountability. Illuminating the difference between … 304 View

Cracking the Boy Code

How to Understand and Talk with Boys

All too quickly, talkative, affectionate young boys seem to slip away. Adolescents may be transformed overnight into reclusive, seemingly impenetrable young people who open up only to their … 163 View

Double Pregnant

Two Lesbians Make a Family

Double Pregnant is author Natalie Meisner’s light-hearted, poignant and informative true story about starting a family with her wife Viviën. Because Viviën is a woman of colour … 192 View

Hiding in Plain Sight

Immigrant Women and Domestic Violence

Immigrant women are not only at greater risk of experiencing domestic violence but they also under-utilize mainstream services because their needs are not adequately met there. Understanding … 136 View

Nature-Based Therapy

A Practitioner's Guide to Working Outdoors with Children, Youth, and Families

The number of children, youth, and families seeking help for a wide range of mental health concerns is growing at an alarming rate, and many struggle to thrive despite well-intentioned … ; ; 304 View

ohpikinâwasowin/Growing a Child

Implementing Indigenous Ways of Knowing With Indigenous Families

Western theory and practice are over-represented in child welfare services for Indigenous peoples, not the other way around. Contributors to this collection invert the long-held, colonial … ; ; ; 286 View

Special Topics in Being a Human

A Queer and Tender Guide to Things I've Learned the Hard Way about Caring For People, Including Myself

S. Bear Bergman’s illustrated guide to practical advice for the modern age, filtered through a queer lens. As an author, educator, and public speaker, S. Bear Bergman has documented his … ; 272 View

An Introduction to Nature for Therapy

From: Nature-Based Therapy

Promoting a dose of nature clarifies the minimum time exposure people should be outdoors and seeks to highlight the socioecological benefits this natural, accessible, and free health remedy can … ; ; 21 $2.10 Add

Chapters 1-20

From: Double Pregnant

64 $6.40 Add


From: Special Topics in Being a Human

; 3 $0.30 Add


Entering the Circle

From: ohpikinâwasowin/Growing a Child

The Prophesy – The Turtle Lodge Teachings – Ceremony and Smudging – About the Book – About the Wisdom-Seeking Projects – Our Book Cover ; ; ; 12 $1.20 Add


From: Hiding in Plain Sight

7 $0.70 Add


From: Cracking the Boy Code

This is a book about relating to and talking with boys. I’ve written this book for you. For most of my 20 years as a psychologist, the social and emotional development of boys — how … 6 $0.60 Add