
Showing 1–16 of 50 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Fundamentals of National Security Accountability in Canada

This book is about the democratic regulation of Canada’s security and intelligence agencies at the federal level. It serves as a primer or guidebook, both for those involved in … 292 View

Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Changes of Corporate Control, 2/e

This book offers a succinct and insightful discussion of the laws governing mergers and acquisitions transactions conducted in Canada. It draws on a collection of loosely related legal principles … 401 View

Personal Property Security Law

Third Edition

This book examines the legal framework for secured credit set out in the Personal Property Security Act (PPSA). First proclaimed by Ontario in 1976, the PPSA is in force today in all nine common … 902 View

What’s Next for Canada?

Securities Regulation After the Reference

For many years lawyers, policy makers, scholars, and investors have debated the merits of, and the necessity for, a national securities regulator in Canada. Most have agreed that the status quo … 339 View

Chapter 1: Foundational Concepts

From: Fundamentals of National Security Accountability in Canada

In this chapter, Forcese describes his book as being focused on democratic regulation of Canada’s security and intelligence agencies at the federal level. The book is described as a primer … 28 $2.80 Add

Chapter 1: Introduction and General Considerations

From: Personal Property Security Law

A. Introduction B. Objectives of the PPSA C. Key Concepts D. The PPSA Personal Property Classification System E. Security Interests in Investment Property F. Interpretation G. Knowledge and … 122 $12.20 Add


From: What's Next for Canada?

Overview of the Supreme Court of Canada’s 2011 decision not to endorse a proposed national securities regulator (Securities Reference) and the collected articles inspired by that decision. 9 $0.90 Add

List of Statutes, Regulations, Securities Instruments, Rules, Policies, and Abbreviations

From: Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Changes of Corporate Control, 2/e

List of statutes, regulations, securities instruments, rules, policies, and abbreviations relating to mergers, acquisitions, and other forms of corporate control changes. 3 $0.30 Add

Chapter 2: The Concept of Security Interest and Scope of the Personal Property Security Act

From: Personal Property Security Law

A. The Definition and Central Concept of Security Interest B. Ownership as a Security Interest: Conditional Sales, Leases, Consignments, and Trusts C. Interests Outside the Scope of the PPSA D. … 67 $6.70 Add

Chapter 2: Values and Security Service Activities

From: Fundamentals of National Security Accountability in Canada

This chapter breaks down three of the six values that comprise the foundation of the national security system in Canada. The three values covered are those that affect the conduct of security … 26 $2.60 Add


From: Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Changes of Corporate Control, 2/e

Introduction to the terminology, underlying concepts, and legal and regulatory environment associated with mergers and acquisitions law. 34 $3.40 Add

Twenty Years of Supreme Court Reference Decisions

Putting the Securities Reference Decision in Context

From: What's Next for Canada?

Analysis of the Securities Reference in the context of some other Supreme Court reference decisions. 24 $2.40 Add

Chapter 3: Conflict of Laws

From: Personal Property Security Law

A. Introduction and General Considerations B. Preliminary Interpretation Issues C. Applicability of Law of the Jurisdiction Where the Collateral Is Located Reperfection Requirement D. … 86 $8.60 Add

Chapter 3: Values of Security Service Accountability

From: Fundamentals of National Security Accountability in Canada

This chapter examines values exhibited by the Canadian national security system that uphold the standards of service discussed in chapter 2. The values discussed in this chapter are bounded … 33 $3.30 Add

More Questions than Answers

The Supreme Court of Canada's Decision in the National Securities Reference

From: What's Next for Canada?

Critique of the Securities Reference based on the Court’s response to concerns over the movement of capital within Canada exacerbated by the evolution of capital markets from local to … 12 $1.20 Add

Chapter 4: Creation of a Security Interest Under the

From: Personal Property Security Law

A. Introduction B. “Value” C. “Rights in the Collateral" D. Written Security Agreement E. Possession F. Control (Investment Property & Electronic Chattel Paper) G. … 58 $5.80 Add