Social Policy

Showing 1–16 of 43 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Change for Good

An Action-Oriented Approach for Businesses to Benefit from Solving the World’s Most Urgent Social Problems

An action-oriented approach for businesses to solve the world’s most urgent social problems — and benefit from doing so. More than a year into a global pandemic, profit and … 274 View

Curing Affluenza

How to Buy Less Stuff and Save the World

Affluenza has not just changed the world, it has also changed the way we see the world. Short of money? Borrow some. Caught in the rain? Buy an umbrella. Thirsty? Buy a bottle of water and throw … 288 View

Shift Change

Scenes from a Post-industrial Revolution

Hamilton’s industrial age is over. In the steel capital of Canada, there are no more skies lit red by foundries at sunset, no more traffic jams at shift change. Instead, an urban … 252 View

This Has Always Been a War

The Radicalization of a Working-Class Queer

A powerful, personal critique of capitalist patriarchy as seen through the eyes of a queer radical. Capitalism has infiltrated every aspect of our personal, social, economic, and sexual lives. By … 321 View

At Your Service

From: This Has Always Been a War

In “At Your Service ” author Lori Fox recounts their time in the service industry between 2003 -2020 to provide a case study of the culture of capitalism. Discussing culture under … 26 $2.60 Add


From: Curing Affluenza

The preface from author Richard Denniss. 5 $0.50 Add

Tectonic Shift

From: Shift Change

This chapter describes Hamilton as it once was: foundries belching iron oxide into the atmosphere, traffic jams driven by shift changes at factories, and workers toiling at all hours of the day … 25 $2.50 Add

The Journey to Change for Good


From: Change for Good

16 $1.60 Add

Boom, Bust, and a Double-Sided Bohemian Renaissance

From: Shift Change

This chapter surveys some of the attempts to develop and revitalize Hamilton’s downtown core. Although the initial efforts were unsuccessful, a few optimists valiantly plotted … 48 $4.80 Add

Change for Good Today

Chapter 1

From: Change for Good

Chapter 1 focuses on why businesses today need to deliver value to consumers at the same time as helping to solve social problems. Based on Klein’s own experience helping businesses improve … 21 $2.10 Add

Creatures of Impossible and Tremendous Beauty

From: This Has Always Been a War

In “Creatures of Impossible and Tremendous Beauty” the author recounts their experiences with femininity and being “like a girl.” Discussing childhood expectations and … 19 $1.90 Add

Diagnosing the Disease

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 1 focuses on defining or diagnosing ‘affluenza’, discussing topics including environmental destruction, global inequality, culture of wasteful materialism, technological … 26 $2.60 Add

A Good Dose of Materialism Helps a Bad Case of Affluenza

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 2 examines our current culture of convenience, discussing topics including consuming and producing, credit cards and credit card debt, consumerism (the love of buying things) verses … 27 $2.70 Add

Change for Good History

Chapter 2

From: Change for Good

Chapter 2 explores the motivations businesses have in social policy and philanthropy. The chapter explores topics including Quaker capitalism, the Trump presidency, the origins of the … 22 $2.20 Add

The "Creative Class" Creates a Global Urban Clash

From: Shift Change

In this chapter, the author examines the relationship between Hamilton and Toronto, and how these two once-divided cities are now closely intertwined. The chapter also explores gentrification in … 53 $5.30 Add

The Happy Family Game

From: This Has Always Been a War

In “The Happy Family Game” the author reflects on their relationship with their family. Discussing the idea of a ‘happy family’, the nuclear family, family under … 21 $2.10 Add