Richard Denniss

Showing all 11 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Curing Affluenza

How to Buy Less Stuff and Save the World

Affluenza has not just changed the world, it has also changed the way we see the world. Short of money? Borrow some. Caught in the rain? Buy an umbrella. Thirsty? Buy a bottle of water and throw … 288 View


From: Curing Affluenza

The preface from author Richard Denniss. 5 $0.50 Add

Diagnosing the Disease

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 1 focuses on defining or diagnosing ‘affluenza’, discussing topics including environmental destruction, global inequality, culture of wasteful materialism, technological … 26 $2.60 Add

A Good Dose of Materialism Helps a Bad Case of Affluenza

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 2 examines our current culture of convenience, discussing topics including consuming and producing, credit cards and credit card debt, consumerism (the love of buying things) verses … 27 $2.70 Add

Lighten Up

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 3 explores productivity between the public and private sectors, discussing topics including wasted resources, ‘economic activity’, cycles of production, the ‘Washington … 41 $4.10 Add

Your Country Needs You (to work less, if you want to

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 4 focuses on employment and unemployment, discussing topics including dignified work, job creation and loss, the coal industry, and labour markets. It includes an excerpt from Jim Stanford. 31 $3.10 Add

Change Your Shape, Not Your Size

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 5 examines how we choose aspects of society to change, discussing topics including the driving sectors of the economy,  neoliberalism, individuality and individualism, collective … 30 $3.00 Add

Keeping on Track: Performance Indicators for a Better Society

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 6 explores the indicators of a better society, discussing topics including gross domestic product (GDP), economic growth, child literacy and health, and protections. It includes an … 25 $2.50 Add

There Are Many Alternatives

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 7 explores the alternatives to the present culture of affluenza, discussing topics including Iceland’s response to the 2008 final crisis and its banks, challenging cultural … 30 $3.00 Add

Evaluating New Ideas for Your New Society

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 8 examines how to enact social change, discussing topics including community influence, policies and lobbying, democracy, laws and budgets, examples of tackling affluenza through a … 40 $4.00 Add

So What’s Stopping You?

From: Curing Affluenza

Chapter 9 concludes with a call to action, discussing topics including democratic reform and citizen influence, Neoliberalism, communal goals and future cultural changes. 18 $1.80 Add