Women's Movement

Showing 1–16 of 110 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Abortion to Abolition

Reproductive Health and Justice in Canada

The history of abortion decriminalization and critical advocacy efforts to improve access in Canada deserve to be better known. Ordinary people persevered to make Canada the most progressive … 176 View


Changing the Face of Canadian Politics

Alexa McDonough’s impact on Canadian politics cannot be measured solely by election victories or seat tallies. As the first female leader of a mainstream Canadian political party, she … 288 View


40 Years of Change

In Fertility: 40 Years of Change, lawyer and author Maureen McTeer explores key medical, research, and legal developments in assisted human reproduction since the birth of the first IVF baby in … 276 View

Insurgent Love

Abolition and Domestic Homicide

Domestic homicide is violence that strikes within our most intimate relations. The most common strategy for addressing this kind of transgression relies on policing and prisons. But through … 161 View

No Choice

The 30-Year Fight for Abortion on Prince Edward Island

In 1969, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau passed a law legalizing abortion in Canada. But making abortion legal did not guarantee women access to these services. In many communities around the … 124 View

Take Back the Fight

Organizing Feminism for the Digital Age

Two decades of neoliberalism have destroyed a structured, pan-regional feminist movement in Canada. As a result, new generations of feminists have come to age without ever seeing the force that … 256 View

Women Winning Office

An Activist's Guide to Getting Elected

When Peggy Nash first decided to run for elected office, she had no idea where to start, who to contact, or what the rules were. For those who are underrepresented in political life, politics can … 282 View

Beyond Abortion

From: Abortion to Abolition

This chapter introduces the history of and context surrounding abortion in Canada as well as explores how prison abolition is connected to reproductive justice. The author talks about her own … 10 $1.00 Add

Domestic Homicide and Abolition

From: Insurgent Love

In the introductory chapter, the author defines key terms that are essential to the text, details the failures of the current carceral approach to family violence, and details how her personal … 24 $2.40 Add


From: No Choice

Bravery and Perseverance 10 $1.00 Add


If Mainstream Feminism Says Everything Can Be Feminist, Is Everything Feminist?

From: Take Back the Fight

In the Introduction, the author first discusses abortion, both its personal and political aspects. The limitations of feminism to make lives better for racialized, Indigenous, disabled and queer … 12 $1.20 Add

Introduction & Prologue

The Story Begins

From: Fertility

In the Introduction & Prologue author Maureen McTeer explains how the premise of the book is about the origins, current status, and future direction of assisted human reproduction. She ties … 6 $0.60 Add

Introduction: This Book is for You

From: Women Winning Office

In the Introduction author Peggy Nash explains the premise of the book as a handbook and resource for women looking to become involved in politics and run for office. 3 $0.30 Add


From: Alexa!

A brief look at Alexa’s entry into the political fray and the women who inspired, supported, and pushed her to make such a difficult decision. Also a glimpse of the relationship and history … 6 $0.60 Add

In vitro Fertilization

Part One — IVF: The Beginning of a Modern Human Reproduction Revolution

From: Fertility

In In vitro Fertilization McTeer explains and examines the creation and first use of in vitro fertilization or IVF in humans. The chapter explains what in vitro entails, its original uses for … 11 $1.10 Add


From: Alexa!

Delving into Alexa’s past by looking at the history of her parents. From the tumultuous relationship of her maternal grandparents to her paternal grandfather’s involvement in the … 24 $2.40 Add