State Models

Showing 1–16 of 24 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Civilizing the State

Reclaiming Politics for the Common Good

Across the world, the liberal nation state is on its knees. Rising inequality, deep political polarization, and the pervasive power of corporations are tearing apart the social contract and … 226 View

Is This the End of the Liberal International Order?

The Munk Debate on Geopolitics

Be it resolved, the liberal international order is over… Since the end of World War II, global affairs have been shaped by three broad trends: the increasing free movement of people and … ; ; 106 View

Myths of Modern History

From the French Revolution to the 20th century world wars and the Cold War - new perspectives on key events

Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels challenges readers to reconsider what they know about some key events in the last 250 years of world history. At a time when it’s all too easy to … 392 View

State Theories Third Edition

Classical Global and Feminist Perspectives

The Third Edition of State Theories: Classical, Global and Feminist Perspectives formally introduces a new co-author, Wendee Kubik. Since the first edition of State Theories was published … ; 221 View


From: Civilizing the State

The introduction outlines the world’s environmental, political, economic, social and public health contexts from which the book arises, and makes a call for transformative change based on … 9 $0.90 Add


From: State Theories Third Edition

; 5 $0.50 Add

Is This the End of the Liberal International Order?

From: Is This the End of the Liberal International Order?

This reading consists of a transcript of the Munk Debate on Global Geopolitics. The resolution being debated is "The Liberal International Order is Over". Arguing the pro side is … ; ; 46 $5.52 Add

Classical Liberalism

From: State Theories Third Edition

; 17 $1.70 Add

Treason of the State

From: Civilizing the State

In Treason of the State, the author contextualized his work by examining the history of welfare and poverty policies in the United States. He also explores co-operation, democracy and … 17 $1.70 Add

Sociological Conceptions of the State

From: State Theories Third Edition

; 17 $1.70 Add

Elite Theory

From: State Theories Third Edition

; 13 $1.30 Add


From: State Theories Third Edition

; 16 $1.60 Add

Classical Marxism

From: State Theories Third Edition

; 27 $2.70 Add

Deep Democracy in Kerala

From: Civilizing the State

Deep Democracy in Kerala looks at the history of the Indian state of Kerala and how it has become a model of alternatives to economic growth. 16 $1.60 Add

Living Without Approval: Stateless Democracy in Rojava

From: Civilizing the State

Living Without Approval: Stateless Democracy in Rojava questions the role of the nation-state via a case study of the Rojava region in northeast Syria, where democratic confederalism is emerging … 20 $2.00 Add

Capitalism, Globalism, and the Nation-State

From: State Theories Third Edition

; 22 $2.20 Add