Labour Relations

Showing 1–16 of 42 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

A New Kind of Union

Unifor and the birth of the modern Canadian union

This book describes the unique process by which the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP) decided not just to merge but to create … 256 View

Essential Work Disposable Workers

Migration, Capitalism, and Class

Across the world we are witnessing daily the lethal effects of a rapid and scary hardening of borders, ignited and justified by manufactured fear and scarcity. In such conditions, highly … 230 View

Hollow Work, Hollow Society?

Globalization and the Casual Labour Problem in Canada

More and more people in Canada and other Western countries are now working at part-time, short-term and other casual jobs. People are now asking: What happened to full-time employment? Why is … 112 View

Leading Progess

The Professional Institute of the Public Service Canada, 1920–2020

On February 6, 1920, a small group of public service employees met for the first time to form a professional association. A century later, the Professional Institute of the Public Service Canada … 272 View

The Fire and the Ashes

Rekindling Democratic Socialism

In The Fire and the Ashes, long-time union economist and policy analyst Andrew Jackson looks back on a fascinating career in the labour movement, the NDP, and left politics, combining keen … 180 View


From: A New Kind of Union

Jerry Dias, president of Unifor, overviews why Unifor is an important institution in Canadian labour and briefly documents his experience in its foundation. 4 $0.40 Add

Foreword / Introduction: Essential Yet Disposable

From: Essential Work Disposable Workers

This section includes the foreword and introduction of this book. In the introduction, Mostafa Heneway describes the political landscape that facilitates the exploitation of migrant workers and … 14 $1.40 Add


From: Leading Progess

7 $0.70 Add

The Housing Crisis That Isn’t

From: The Tenant Class

Ricardo introduces his argument that there is no "housing crisis" in Canada but instead a housing market that functions exactly how it was built to. He describes this book as being a … 12 $1.20 Add


From: A New Kind of Union

Peter Kennedy, Unifor’s former secretary treasurer, briefly explains why he is proud to have played a part in the creation of Unifor. 4 $0.40 Add

Neoliberal Migration Takes Hold

From: Essential Work Disposable Workers

This chapter focuses on four countries in the Global South to illustrate how the implementation of neoliberal policies has not led to development but has turned them into major labour-exporting … 15 $1.50 Add

Starting as Professionals, 1920-1969

From: Leading Progess

In this chapter, the author discusses how the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada emerged and changed along with Canada during its first fifty years, when major external and … 27 $2.70 Add


From: A New Kind of Union

An introduction to the development Canadian labour has undergone in the 21st century. Highlights some of the key players and organizations in the creation of Unifor as well as gives background … 12 $1.20 Add

Keeping Global Capitalism Afloat

From: Essential Work Disposable Workers

This chapter examines how remittances play a crucial role within global capitalism. Remittances reinforce a pattern of migration from the Global South to the North, increasingly necessary for … 9 $0.90 Add

Myths about the Tenant Class

From: The Tenant Class

Ricardo examines societal perceptions of the average Canadian who rents property. Ricardo discusses home ownership as a staple of successful life in Canadian society and the cultural stigma … 14 $1.40 Add

We Are a Union, What Do We Do Now? 1970-79

From: Leading Progess

This chapter discusses who belonged to and led PIPSC in the 1970s, how collective bargaining took place, and what policy positions the Institute adopted. It also explores the collective … 33 $3.30 Add