Judicial Power

Showing 1–16 of 45 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Beverley McLachlin

The Legacy of a Supreme Court Chief Justice

As a judge, Beverley McLachlin has had an unequalled impact on Canadian life. She stands out for her unique ability to stand up for the values and beliefs that reflect the best of Canada and … ; 232 View

Supreme Court on Trial

Judicial Activism or Democratic Dialogue

The Supreme Court of Canada has been accused of usurping Canadian democracy on a long list of divisive topics, including assisted dying, sex work, supervised injection sites, same-sex marriage, … 526 View

The Power Manual

How to Master Complex Power Dynamics

Liberate yourself by understanding and mastering power dynamics All social relations are laden with power. Getting out from under dominant power relations and mastering power dynamics is perhaps … 195 View

The Secret Power of Juries

What jurors in Canada aren't being told about their rights -- and what we can do about it

Canadians know that the jurors at a trial decide the defendant’s guilt or innocence according to the law of the land. What they don’t know is how far that right actually goes, and … 216 View

Foreward & Preface

From: The Secret Power of Juries

Outlines the Core Principles of law as outlined by Tom Bingham in The Rule of Law ; 11 $1.10 Add


An introduction to the book. An brief overview of what the book covers. ; 6 $0.60 Add


From: Beverley McLachlin

An introduction to the book. An brief overview of what the book covers. ; 6 $0.60 Add


From: The Power Manual

Why do power relations matter in social change, or for any of us who care about living the best life we can live? Because we have to be clear about the type of power we seek. We need power to … 4 $0.40 Add

The Supreme Court on Trial

From: Supreme Court on Trial

Outline of the debate over judicial activism in relation to the manner in which the Supreme Court of Canada has interpreted the Charter. 13 $1.30 Add

A Book on . . . Jury Nullification?

From: The Secret Power of Juries

The first chapter of this book explains how I became interested in the matter of jury independence as it relates to justice, and clarifies some of the terms used 12 $1.20 Add

Effective Interactions

Supremacist Power and Liberatory Power

From: The Power Manual

There are three core propositions in chapter 1, Effective Interactions, drawing on the work of Michel Foucault and bell hooks: (1) that there are both supremacist and liberatory ways to act out … 4 $0.40 Add

The Endless American Debate

From: Supreme Court on Trial

Outline of the debate over judicial activism in relation to the manner in which the United States Supreme Court has interpreted the Bill of Rights. 22 $2.20 Add

A Mixed History of Jury Nullification

From: The Secret Power of Juries

The second chapter shows how the practice of jury nullification has been a factor in some well-known trials in Canada and in several other countries. 38 $3.80 Add

Judicial Activism before the Charter

From: Supreme Court on Trial

Discussion of pre-Charter cases where the striking down of laws infringing civil liberties was criticized as judicial activism. 19 $1.90 Add

The Legitimacy of Judicial Review

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of the effect of the Charter on the power of judicial review. ; 21 $2.10 Add

How it All Began

Jailing Jurors

From: The Secret Power of Juries

Chapter 3 looks at the origins of jury independence 15 $1.50 Add