Robert J. Sharpe

Showing 1–16 of 21 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Written by two of Canada’s leading constitutional scholars, no other Canadian book provides such an accessible yet thorough and objective account of the Canadian Charter of Rights and … ; 537 View


From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

The purpose of the book is to explain to law students, lawyers and non-specialist readers the interpretation and practical application of the Charter by the courts. ; 3 $0.30 Add

Historical Context

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Surveys common law, legislation and international human rights charters prior to the enactment of the Charter. ; 23 $2.30 Add

The Legitimacy of Judicial Review

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of the effect of the Charter on the power of judicial review. ; 21 $2.10 Add

Interpretation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Outlines the structure of the Charter and canvasses debates about its interpretation, including interpretive methods and sources. ; 18 $1.80 Add

Limitation of Charter Rights

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of how the courts have interpreted the “reasonable limits” provision in s. 1 of the Charter. ; 29 $2.90 Add

The Legislative Override

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of the s. 33 “notwithstanding” clause. ; 7 $0.70 Add


From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of the legal relationships, entities and actions subject to Charter scrutiny. ; 17 $1.70 Add

Charter Litigation

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Review of jurisdictional and procedural issues regarding Charter disputes in tribunals and provincial and federal courts. ; 21 $2.10 Add

Freedom of Conscience and Religion

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Review of Sunday closing laws, accommodation of religion, parental rights and education in the context of the s. 2(d) “freedom of religion” clause and its relation to other Charter values. ; 26 $2.60 Add

Freedom of Expression

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of how courts have interpreted freedom of expression and reconciled it with other Charter values, particularly in relation to commercial expression, political expression, hate speech, … ; 39 $3.90 Add

Freedom of Association

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of how courts have interpreted freedom of association, particularly in relation to collective bargaining and the right not to associate. ; 14 $1.40 Add

Democratic Rights

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of voting rights and election of legislatures as set out in ss. 3, 4 and 5 of the Charter. ; 17 $1.70 Add

Mobility Rights

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of the freedom to enter and leave Canada and to cross provincial borders as set out in s. 6 of the Charter. ; 8 $0.80 Add

Life, Liberty, and Security of the Person and the Principles of Fundamental Justice

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of how the courts have addressed moral and ethical issues in defining the procedural and substantive content of the concepts of “life, liberty and security of the person” and … ; 50 $5.00 Add

Rights in the Criminal Process

From: Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6/e

Analysis of how the Charter has affected criminal proceedings, particularly in relation to the concept of fundamental justice, unreasonable search and seizure, arbitrary detention and … ; 60 $6.00 Add