Science & Technology

Showing 1–16 of 59 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Autonomous Vehicles

Self-Driving Cars and the Law of Canada

Much of North American society has been built around automobiles — our cities are designed around them; our economy is propelled by them. Therefore, the impact and benefit of … ; 254 View

Digital Copyright Law

In Digital Copyright Law, Professor Hutchison identifies and analyzes the many novel legal issues that often arise in this area of growing importance. This book assesses the developing law … 251 View

Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

The anti-SLAPP legislation, more formally known as section 137.1 of the Courts of Justice Act in Ontario and the Protection of Public Participation Act in British Columbia, is arguably the most … ; 566 View

Information and Privacy Law in Canada

In our relationships with every part of government, with companies that provide the goods and services we use, and with other members of society in our personal and working lives, accessing … 564 View

Saved by Science

The Hope and Promise of Synthetic Biology

How can we accelerate the development of vaccines? How do we feed three billion people when 12 million died of hunger in 2019? Does synthetic biology hold the answer? With all the advances in … 226 View

Smart Cities in Canada: Digital Dreams, Corporate Designs

Independent experts analyze often-controversial schemes from Nunavut to Montreal to Toronto’s failed Sidewalk Labs waterfront scheme

"Smart cities" use surveillance, big data processing and interactive technologies to reshape urban life. Transit riders can see the bus coming on a map on their phones. Cities can … ; 200 View

Defining Autonomous Vehicles

From: Autonomous Vehicles

In chapter one, Baker defines what an automation is by examining the six levels of automation as defined by Society of American Engineers or SAE, Level 0: No Automation, Level 1: Driver … 15 $1.50 Add


From: Digital Copyright Law

Introduction to the legal community and educated laypersons the issues arising from the effect of digital technologies on Canadian copyright law. 12 $1.20 Add


Smart Cities in Canada

From: Smart Cities in Canada: Digital Dreams, Corporate Designs

The introduction provides a general definition of what constitutes a “Smart City” as well as exploring what prompted the authors of this title to write about smart cities in Canada. ; 14 $1.40 Add

Part 1: Background and Context

From: Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

Part 1 includes chapters 1-6. Topics included in these chapters are defamation and libel law, the internet, campaigns of vilification and defamation, damages and anti-SLAPP law. ; 63 $6.30 Add


From: Saved by Science

3 $0.30 Add

Chapter 1


From: Saved by Science

8 $0.80 Add

Examples of Autonomous or Semi-autonomous Vehicles Currently in Production

From: Autonomous Vehicles

In chapter two, Baker reviews all existing automated sensing systems being used in vehicles today, examining the varying levels and challenges of each. 13 $1.30 Add

Interpretive Dimensions

From: Digital Copyright Law

Consideration of approaches to statutory interpretation, particularly technological neutrality, used in response to challenges posed by digital technologies. 30 $3.00 Add

Part 2: The Legislation and Its Objectives

From: Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

Part 2 includes chapters 7-10. Topics included in these chapters are legislative objectives and background to Anti-SLAPP proceedings, statutory interpretations, and judicial screening. ; 29 $2.90 Add

Smart Cities as a Civic Leaders’ Survivor Game

The Lure of Innovation in a Competitive World

From: Smart Cities in Canada: Digital Dreams, Corporate Designs

Chapter 1 explores what leads municipal governments to persue smart city projects, whether they are seen as a quick and easy fix to deeper underlying infrastructure and urban planning issues, and … 15 $1.50 Add