David Potts

Showing 1–16 of 36 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase


Information Warfare in the 21st Century?

Cyberlibel: Information Warfare in the 21st Century? by David A. Potts brings years of research and experience in libel and slander law into focus on how individuals and organizations can gain … 552 View

Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

The anti-SLAPP legislation, more formally known as section 137.1 of the Courts of Justice Act in Ontario and the Protection of Public Participation Act in British Columbia, is arguably the most … ; 566 View

Part 1: Background and Context

From: Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

Part 1 includes chapters 1-6. Topics included in these chapters are defamation and libel law, the internet, campaigns of vilification and defamation, damages and anti-SLAPP law. ; 63 $6.30 Add

Summary of My Personal Observations about Cyberlibel

From: Cyberlibel

Observations about what is cyberlibel and why it should be examined separately from defamation generally. 5 $0.50 Add

How to Use this Book

From: Cyberlibel

Description of how lawyers and judges, faced with cyberlibel problems, can use the book to obtain pertinent information. 3 $0.30 Add

Part 2: The Legislation and Its Objectives

From: Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

Part 2 includes chapters 7-10. Topics included in these chapters are legislative objectives and background to Anti-SLAPP proceedings, statutory interpretations, and judicial screening. ; 29 $2.90 Add

Frequently Asked Questions

From: Cyberlibel

List of 20 frequently asked questions about substantive law, procedure, advocacy and technical matters. 12 $1.20 Add

Part 3: Preliminary Considerations

From: Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

Part 3 includes chapters 11 and 12. Topics include jurisdiction as well as expression and platforms of publication. ; 10 $1.00 Add

Part 4: The Threshold Burden on the Defendant: Section 137.1(3)

From: Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

Part 4 includes chapters 13 and 14. This chapter focuses on the threshold burden of the defendant as well as public interest. ; 25 $2.50 Add

Summary of the Law of Defamation and its Application to Cyberlibel

From: Cyberlibel

Restatement of the Supreme Court of Canada’s summary of the claim and defences of the law of defamation generally, and an outline of which chapters deal with which specific elements of a … 5 $0.50 Add

Characteristics of the Internet

From: Cyberlibel

Description of how certain characteristics of the Internet give rise to legal issues relating to cyberlibel. 20 $2.00 Add

Part 5: The Merits Hurdle: Section 137.1(4)(a)

From: Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

Part 5 includes chapter 15-22. Topics include relevant legislation and caselaw of anti-SLAPP proceedings, merit, no valid defence, defence of justification, defence of fair comment, defence of … ; 83 $8.30 Add

Differences and Consequences in Cyberlibel Litigation and Offline Libel Litigation

From: Cyberlibel

Discussion of how cyberlibel litigation differs from traditional libel litigation, and the consequences of those differences. 7 $0.70 Add

Part 6: The Public Interest Hurdle: Section 137.1(4)(b)

From: Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

Part 6 includes chapters 23-29. Topics included in these chapters are proof of harm, the weighing of public interest, examination of the factors to determine harm, evidence of harm, actions that … ; 81 $8.10 Add

Part 7: Costs and Damages

From: Guide to the Law and Practice of Anti-SLAPP Proceedings

Part 7 includes chapter 30-34. Topics discussed in these chapters include costs and damages, as well as, British Columbia anti-SLAPP proceedings. ; 48 $4.80 Add

Should Internet-specific Principles of Law Be Adopted?

From: Cyberlibel

Discussion of how courts have approached the idea of adopting Internet-specific rules for defamation law, and arguments in favour and against. 17 $1.70 Add